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Annual Reporting Requirements

Annual Fee and Annual Reporting Instructions


All Annual Fee processing will be completed by January 15, and ready to view in the new OARS system. An email will be sent with instructions on how to login. The login is the same email and password used to register for the PAORS legacy system/OARS system. 

Please be sure you are using the most recent template for the annual report by downloading directly from the website links below in the NARS REPORTING TOOLS AND RESOURCES section. ANCC accredited organizations are required to submit an annual report to ANCC each calendar year. All organizations must submit their activity data using the calendar year for Annual Reporting. (Date range: 1/1/20xx to 12/31/20xx). **Failure to submit the annual report requirements by April 1 will result in additional fees and/or suspension or revocation of your accreditation.**

Nursing Activity Reporting System (NARS)

The Nursing Activity Reporting System (NARS) is designed to streamline and support the collection of your program and activity data. Individuals who are designated as a Primary Contact, Billing Contact, and/or leader of an organization accredited by the ANCC or an ANCC Accredited Approver that has elected to use NARS may access NARS with a unique login ID and password. NARS allows users to upload their activities throughout the year OR use the batch upload function to add or update multiple activity records from a single file containing data that has been exported from another tracking system. Please see the information on the NARS system below.

Click here for the NARS User Manual [pdf]
Click here to see NARS FAQs.


Annual Fees

Invoices for the annual fee are billed in January and emailed directly to the billing contact from the OARS system by January 15. You can also log in to your OARS dashboard to view/pay your current invoices. Fees are due within 30 days of receipt of the invoice via email. For a breakdown of fees please visit our Accreditation Fees Page.

Payment Instructions

Please note that the office can no longer accept payments by credit card over the phone.

Payments by Checks:


P.O. Box 505035

St. Louis, MO 63150-3035



ANCC Miscellaneous/505035

800 Market Street, 4th Floor

St. Louis, MO 63101

Please ensure to reference the invoice and/or description for all payments.

Failure to Submit the Annual Report on Time

  • Accredited organizations that have not submitted their annual report by April 1 will not be considered to be an organization in good standing. Only accredited organizations in good standing will be listed in the ANCC Directory of Accredited Organizations.
  • Organizations that do not submit their annual report, nor have made arrangements to submit their annual report by the April 1 due date, will have their accredited status suspended.
  • Organizations with an accredited status suspended for failure to submit an annual report may apply for reinstatement. Requests for reinstatement must be accompanied by the annual report AND reinstatement fee of $1500.
  • Suspended organizations that do not reinstate within 120 days will be revoked.

What Does ANCC Require that I Report?

  • Date/Range of Activity
  • Title/Name of Activity
  • Target Audience (RN's, Interprofessional)
  • Total Number of Activity Participants/Total Number of Nurses (Registered Nurses)
  • Number of Nursing Credits Offered/Number of Contact Hours Offered Upon Activity Completion
  • Whether the Activity was Directly or Jointly Provided
  • If the Activity Received Commercial Support (defined as financial or in-kind support from ineligible companies)
  • Amount of Commercial Support Received


REMINDER: What the ANCC requires that you report and what NARS requires to open/close an activity is different. Please consult the NARS User Manual for more information.

Helpful Annual Reporting Tips

The tools below have been modified and adapted to the NARS reporting system.

  • There are more options/fields available in this format and in the NARS system than ANCC requires for reporting.
  • Accredited Providers and Approvers are only required to report the information required by ANCC in previous Annual Reporting years. Consult the NARS user manual for more information.
  • Commercial Support (defined as financial or in-kind support from ineligible companies) is still required to be reported. For guidelines on commercial support, consult the Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education.

APPROVED PROVIDERS: Please contact your Accredited Approver Unit directly for assistance with Annual Reporting Requirements and access to the NARS Reporting System.



If you have not yet received your login for the NARS System please email

APPROVED PROVIDERS: Please contact your Accredited Approver Unit directly for assistance with Annual Reporting Requirements and access to the NARS Reporting System.

There are two ways to submit your activities in NARS. You can submit each activity individually through the web interface OR you may batch upload your activities using the Tab Delimited file.

NARS Frequently Asked Questions: NARS FAQs

Organizations can update their own demographic information in the system. While we still require you to notify ANCC of a change, you can update your own profile information. Please remember to keep this information current and up to date to ensure that you receive all communications and announcements from the Program Office.

Each organization can have up to 20 users in the system. Once logged in, you can create user accounts for individuals that you would like to grant access to the system. Users will receive their own login and credentials to the system. You can also disable users and create new users when necessary. You can add your additional nurse planners as users to keep your demographic information up to date.

Forgot your password?
Did you know that you can reset your own password if you know your Organization ID and the email address registered in the account? Click here: FORGOT PASSWORD

Need a password you can remember?
Once you are logged in, you can change your password using the change password link in the top right corner.

You only need to list a location for an activity categorized as a “C” or “RSS” (“Course” or “Regularly Scheduled Series”). Please check the NARS FAQ’s page for definitions for the activity types.

Always check the ANCC website Annual Reporting Requirements Page for the most recent and accurate information and reporting tools.

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