Nursing Students
This ANA resource page is tailored for pre-licensure nursing students in an undergraduate program. Nursing students are a valued part of the ANA community!
ANA respects the insights and contributions of students as the nurse leaders of tomorrow. We’re here to support you in your journey, every step of the way. There’s no need to wait for licensure to start benefiting from ANA – as an ANA Student Subscriber, you’re ahead of the game.
Members of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) are eligible to sign-up as ANA Student Subscribers for free – a $10 value! If you are not a member of NSNA, you can still sign up as an ANA Student Subscriber for free by agreeing to receive membership information from NSNA.
As an ANA Student Subscriber, you'll have access to:
Welcome to the Profession Kit
The Welcome to The Profession Kit is a comprehensive collection of digital resources created specifically for you by fellow health professionals who have been in your position.
Developed especially for new nursing graduates and early career nurses, this digital kit is an online resource hub designed to help you find your first job, enhance your employability, and grow your nursing career.
Exclusive Online Student Community
Join a vibrant online community where thousands of nursing students just like you are navigating nursing school and facing similar challenges. As a Student Subscriber, you have exclusive access to the student community which offers a unique experience built on networking, sharing, and trust.
Member-Only Content
As a Student Subscriber, you’ll enjoy access to member-only digital content on Additionally, you’ll have access to the full suite of ANA digital publications such as American Nurse Today and ANA SmartBrief. As well as full ANA Position and Policy papers on important nursing issues, such as safe patient handling and the opioid epidemic.
Advocacy Alerts and ANA’s Legislative Blog
When nurses speak, Washington listens! As the premier organization for all RNs, ANA brings nurses together to advance their careers and the profession through legislation and advocacy. Get involved to learn the key issues facing nurses right now. Also get access to ANA’s advocacy blog,
Additional Resources for Student Nurses
Code of Ethics
If there’s one essential read for student nurses, it’s this. The Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements, or “The Code”, is a vital tool for all nurses now and in the future.
While the foundational values of nursing do not change, The Code is regularly updated to ensure it’s relevant to nurses today. It supports all nurses, from students to Chief Nursing Officers (CNO), in providing consistently respectful, humane, and dignified care.
ANA Career Center
Finding the right job in nursing has never been easier. Search for the position that best matches your talents and needs, post your résumé, and apply.
National Student Nurses Association (NSNA)
ANA partners with NSNA to help bridge the transition from nursing school to licensure and practicing. ANA has been a proud Sponsor of the NSNA Annual Convention for the past five years. As a member of NSNA, students are eligible to sign-up as ANA Student Subscribers for free. Not a member of NSNA? Through our Subscriber sign-up process, you can opt-in to receive membership information from NSNA. This will allow you to receive Student Subscriber benefits for free (a $10 value).
Get Involved with Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™
The Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation Grand Challenge is a social movement designed to transform the health of the nation by supporting nurses to take positive action to improve health.
The challenge broadly connects and engages nursing students, individual nurses and partner organizations to take action within five focus areas: physical activity, sleep, nutrition, quality of life, and safety.
Text to Subscribe!
We know students are always on the go that’s why we’ve made it easy for you to receive our monthly challenge tips. Text healthynurse to 52886 to subscribe and receive our challenge tips via text message!
The challenge starts with you. Join the HNHN conversation on social media!
Connect with us!
There’s no doubt social media is now a big part of all our lives. On a professional level, it has many significant benefits: from the collaborative exchanging of ideas or discussion of health issues; to the invaluable promotion of nursing and better health and health care for all. It can not only be entertaining and informative, but it also has the potential to help you as a nursing student. Stay connected by following ANA on our social media!