K - 12 Schools

K - 12 Schools
Reducing the risk of exposure to viruses and infection is an integral part of successful school operations. Frequent hand washing, proper vaccination, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, and good ventilation practices are all important strategies to keep students and teachers healthy in a school-based or childcare-based health care setting. School nurses and other health care personnel play an important role in safely keeping schools and childcare programs open for in-person learning and other in-person activities throughout the year.
K - 12 Schools
School nurses and other health care personnel are integral to keeping schools and childcare programs safe from the spread of infection. Find guidance on everything from the latest infection-control techniques to proper hand hygiene, vaccination, cleaning and disinfecting, ventilation, and much more.
As a nurse, having trustworthy, accurate information is vital during healthcare crises like COVID-19. These official CDC training materials are created by IPC experts for healthcare professionals. Learn PPE safety tips, infectious disease guidelines, how to speak to coworkers and patients about infection prevention, and more. Sign up today to learn how you can stop the spread.