The Double-Edged Sword: An Evidence-Informed Workbook for the Well-Being of Nurses and the Places They Work
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By: Corey S. Pressman, MA; Brylee Kiminski, BS; and Chloé Littzen-Brown, PhD.
The Double-Edged Sword is an invaluable tool in the fight against nurse burnout and compassion fatigue for individual nurses or organizations looking to improve the well-being of their nursing staff.
Product Detail
- The Double-Edged Sword is a guide to understanding and addressing the root causes of nurse compassion fatigue by effectively translating this knowledge into everyday preventive practice. The workbook's information and activities encourage ways of working, living, and being compassionate that are centered on personal meaning, vitality, and emotional integrity. Beyond just avoiding fatigue, The Double-Edged Sword will help nurses enact the art and science of comprehensive care with their best selves.
This practical guide draws on the authors' original research into nurse well-being and years of wellness coaching. The text offers simple explanations, and evidence-informed activities based on a variety of well-respected frameworks and fields, including:
· The patterns of knowledge in nursing
· Emotion regulation
· Self-determination theory
· Compassion science
· Transformative leadership
Suitable for individual nurses or organizations looking to improve the well-being of their nursing staff, The Double-Edged Sword is an invaluable tool in the fight against nurse burnout and compassion fatigue.