Share your Story
The Commission to Address Racism in Nursing is harnessing the power of storytelling to describe the demoralization, exclusion, and trauma that nurses from marginalized and underrepresented races and ethnicities experience in the workplace to examine and understand the issue of racism within nursing.
Capturing all perspectives and insights – the good and the bad – is key to forging change in the nursing profession. Share your stories of experiencing:
- Discrimination based on your race or ethnicity.
- Racist attitudes, actions, micro or macro agressions.
- Allyship, mentorship, resilience, and perseverance.
If you have video, photos or other images that representor convey your experience, feel free to upload with your story. There is an upload limit of 100 mb. You can still share your story without uploading any images.
NOTE: Stories will be de-identified if used for educational purposes and will never be posted on this website.